Body Bliss Logo - The logo was created for a friend's massage business as a project in college. This picture shows a letterhead, a 2-sided business card, and an envelope.
Local ASPCA Advertisement - This advertisement was created for a project in college and if it were going to be used the ad is intended for a newspaper or weekly magazine. The image and name of the animal would change weekly.
Book Cover - Designed in college as a set of book covers for books by the same author. This is one book cover of three.
Book Cover 2 - Another in the set of book covers for books by the same author.
Wine Labels - The wine label had to be based on an artist. I chose Franz Marc as the artist and fictitious maker of the wine.
Toucan - A pen and ink drawing created in an illustration class in college.
Poster - A poster created for the Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington, D.C. as a project in college
School Work
Abigail Huff
Graphic Designer Johnson City, NY