GE Lighting Store email header
GE Lighting Store email footer
website homepage slider
website homepage slider
website homepage slider
website homepage slider
Designed header banner image for Pat's Computer Rescue and the corresponding banners for the inside pages.
Designed the banner carousel image for TMW's learning documentation and training website.
Designed the banner carousel image for TMW's learning documentation and training website.
Designed the banner carousel image for TMW's learning documentation and training website.
Designed the banner carousel image for TMW's learning documentation and training website.
Designed the image banner for company website.
Designed the image banner for company website.
Designed the image banner for company website.
Designed the image banner for company website.
HTML email I designed in Pardot/Photoshop
Graphic for social media to post for recruitment.
Software Installer Graphics Mock-up for Development
Website banner for carousel to highlight Elllwood project.
Careerbuilder banner for company webpage.
Designed and uploaded the background for Middough's Twitter account.
New Web Interfaces
New Web Interfaces
New Web Interfaces
Website and Email Content
Freelance, Full-time
Amanda Kence
Print Graphic Designer Lakewood, OH