The original storefront design by Erin Foreman.
Redesigned Storefront
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Fixtures and Features Moodboard
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Store Floorplan
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East Wall Interior Section
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North Wall Interior Section
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West Wall Interior Section
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South Wall Interior Section
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West Interior Wall As A Flipup Model in Colour
South Interior Wall In Colour
West and North Interiors
Storefront Applied to Flipup Model
North and East Interior Walls
Retail Space Project - Al's Got Game

The goal of this project was to take a pre-designed storefront and create an entire interior space from it. Based on the idea of vinyl figurines and inspired by both Kidrobot stores and video games, "Al's Got Game" was designed to be a video game collectible store within a mall. I chose to adjust the storefront to mimic the aesthetic that was used on the inside of the store. The final coloured printouts were made into a flip up model showcasing the space. All deliverable files were done in Adobe Illustrator with the exception of the original file which was done in Vectorworks.

Alissa Graham
Design Student Vancouver, Canada