1 of 3 posters for public display shown in situ in a skytrain station.
1 of 3 posters for public spaces shown in situ on a transit stop.
1 of 3 posters shown in situ as an ad inside a bus
Merchandise concepts created for the social marketing campaign for the intention of sale to raise money to help fund camps and sessions for children who stutter.
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A conceptual facebook social marketing screenshot of a page created for the use of the social marketing campaign. Developed to match the personality of the created mascot Stu B. Caps.
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A conceptual website created for the social marketing campaign.
A "screenshot" created for the purpose of showing an interactive app game that would be available for a minimal fee to play.
Social Marketing Campaign - BCAPS

A project that was done in teams to create a social marketing campaign for a chosen social issue and a society that already exists. The choice of our team was BCAPS (British Columbia Association of People Who Stutter). We created a social marketing campaign to create awareness for people who stutter (mostly targeting younger children) and created a character that we felt young children could identify, with as well as keep the issue more lighthearted.

My teammates were Oriana Bella and Max Turner.

Alissa Graham
Design Student Vancouver, Canada