Lighted Wedding Dress - Fiberoptically enhanced wedding dress for the producer/director team Julia Howe and Dekker Dreyer
Lighted Wedding Dress - Fiberoptically enhanced wedding dress for the producer/director team Julia Howe and Dekker Dreyer
Lighted Wedding Dress - Fiberoptically enhanced wedding dress for the producer/director team Julia Howe and Dekker Dreyer
Lighted Wedding Dress - Fiberoptically enhanced wedding dress for the producer/director team Julia Howe and Dekker Dreyer
Lighted Wedding Dress - Fiberoptically enhanced wedding dress for the producer/director team Julia Howe and Dekker Dreyer
Simon Says Touch (Touch Activated Message Vest) - As a friend plays Simon with fun rubs and pats the jacket responds with vibration and sound.
Closer Project (Touch Activated Huggable Garments)
Closer Project (Hand made touch responsive sensors)
Boom Box Bag (DIY bag with removable speakers)
Shiny Clutch Light (DIY light panel for a clutch)
Fashion Technology Projects
Alison Lewis
Electronic Designer and Innovation Specialist Philadelphia, NY