Look at Me Collection - Designed on hand painted silk fabric - Embellished with hand-embroidred stitches with unusual threads, organza ribbons and glass beads.
Music to my ears - "Music to my ears" is a textile work on dyed silk velvet, using an old CD, fused fabrics and metallic thread stitches.
Look at Me Collection
Look at Me Collection
Look at Me Collection
Window - Designed on hand painted silk fabric - Embellished with hand-embroidred stitches with unusual threads, organza ribbons and turquoise gemstones/red coral gems.
Jammin Lady - Designed on hand painted calico - Embellished with hand-embroidred stitches with unusual threads, ribbons and beads.
Loopy Lady - Designed on hand painted calico - Embellished with hand-embroidred stitches with unusual threads, ribbons and beads.
Lady Inspiratión - Designed on hand painted calico - Embellished with hand-embroidred stitches with unusual threads, ribbons and beads.
Look at Me Collection

Projects made from; fusion of fabrics; fibres; mark making stitches; handmade and decorated papers; metallic materials; paints; glass beads and gemstones.

Ana d'Oliveira
Texile, fiber & mixed media artist London, United Kingdom