Entry area. This display contains the introductory graphics and - in the slanted cases on either side - two of McGiffin's uniform jackets.
Two ships that McGiffin commanded. To the right is a model of McGiffin's home in China.
On the left, a few works published on McGiffin's career.
Close up of McGiffin's ships.
On the right are log entries from the Academy detailing some of Midshipman McGiffin's more "noteworthy" escapades.
From the back looking into the entry area.
There were two slightly different types of graphics. These detailed McGiffin's life at the Academy and had ginkgo leaves, a tree common on the campus.
These graphics had bamboo leaves, signifying his life in China.
Philo McGiffin

This exhibit was dedicated to Philo McGiffin, a graduate of the Naval Academy and a colorful figure in Navy history.

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Bill Rogers
Exhibits Designer and Fabricator Washington, DC