Zombie 1 - June 2009 - Acryllic and Marker on Wood Panel.
Squid 1 - June 2009 - Acryllic and Marker on Wood Panel.
Untitled Painting 1 - June 2009 - Acryllic and Marker on Wood Panel.
Squid 2 - June 2009 - Acryllic and Marker on Wood Panel.
Self Portrait 2 - This is from a series of self portraits, which I started creating in October of 2008. This was all done using Adobe Illustrator, not from any sketch or reference.
Squids! - This mix-media piece was made with cut paper, ink, letraset lettering and acryllic paint on a wood panel.
Self Portrait 3 - Pen and Ink sketch, with color done in Adobe Illustrator.
Happy, happy lumps - I created this in Adobe Illustrator around 2007. They are a family of weird, happy lump-things. The sun is also happy.
Self Portrait 1 - A slef portrait from a series of 365 that I begun executing in October 2008. This was freehanded (not from a sketch) with a pink marker, then I added the stripes in Adobe Photoshop.
Title-free sketch - A sketch from my Oct. '08 - Feb. '09 sketchbook. Sometimes it gets weird in there...
Corporate American - A sketch from my Oct. '08 - Feb. '09 sketchbook. I'm not sure if he's leaping through the air or taking a bow. Either would be appropriate.
A beast spies a beast - A sketch from my Oct. '08 - Feb. '09 sketchbook. I like to draw dinosaurs, on rare occasions. Sadly this one is going to be eaten by some kind of fierce, giant monkey. But the saber-tooth bunny gets to live!
Illustration, Painting, & Drawing
Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Nick Connell
Graphic Designer Denver, CO