Study of the motion of running and the act of fatigue, and relating it to the act of change in architecture and its environments
which brings us to the historic neighborhood of Vinegar Hill, Brooklyn. Where time has shaped this community.
the site and its community...
the goal is the revive Harrison Alley, and here a side alley is created underneath the new building allowing a smooth flow in and out of Harrison. Also to continue the historic cobblestone road through this side alley.
3 Story Building with rooftop garden. Consists of a studio, a 1 bedroom, a 2 bedroom. On the bottom floor is the entrance to the apartments and small commercial space.
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structural model of the tunnel and staircase and its connections
Vinegar Hill, Brooklyn NY

Senior Project at Parsons the NewSchool for Design

Subject: Human Motion in Architecture
Professors: Peter Lynch & Brandon Andow

Frank YT Chen
Industrial Designer/ Architectural Designer/ 3D Artist New York, NY