pitch room captured
Our work flow
Persona overvies
Amanda - example persona for the investment newcomer
Mental model (generic for anonymous user) - Our focus was till the conversion happened. When the user started with his investments and/or re-evaluated his portfolio is therefor greyed out (not in scope for this deliverable).
Mental model (e.g. Amanda - investment newcomer) - Show which tasks are relevant for this persona.
Storyboard to show Amanda's user journey in a visual way
Homepage - first visist - is Barclays right for me?
Learn section
Learn section - explore the arts and entertainment page
Smart panel - see what they can offer for me
Getting up to speed - what do i meed to know : develop understanding about range of options and how they can best suit your current situation
Use investment guides and videos to get more investment knowledge and understand your financial profile
Building an understanding of the different investment options that are available, and starts to add content to the custom brochure to read later on.
Email copy of brochure to pick up later on smartphone (or other device)
Get up to speed - contact point : using the unique number provided on your brochure, you are put through to someone show has a basic understanding of your financial profile and investment interests based on your brochure material.
Barclays - Wealth project (pitch)

Barclays Wealth - pitch for wealth investment project which i started working on after winning it (SapientNitro, 2012).

My role:
I was being part of the Barclays Wealth pitch team which was very UX driven in which we illustrated our UX approach for the project (from analysis to connecting and design/delivery). We won the pitch in May. Later, I started working on this project (in the conceptual phase and again in the delivery phase) as the Lead UX - leading a team of 3. The result of that will come life in a few months.

Greet Jans
Associate Creative Director, Experience Design London, United Kingdom