Unscratched card - This is direct mail advertising for bug buster. The main idea of the advertising is Scratch’N’Win lottery ticket. The aim of the ad is to make people aware that there are so many kinds of bugs in their house although their house looks clean and tidy. I delivered the message by making image of a clean house, which looks clean from outside, but when you scratch it, there are all kinds of bugs in it. There are also detail explanations of the service offered at the back of the card.
Scratched card - This is direct mail advertising for bug buster. The main idea of the advertising is Scratch’N’Win lottery ticket. The aim of the ad is to make people aware that there are so many kinds of bugs in their house although their house looks clean and tidy. I delivered the message by making image of a clean house, which looks clean from outside, but when you scratch it, there are all kinds of bugs in it. There are also detail explanations of the service offered at the back of the card.
Rear view of the card - This is direct mail advertising for bug buster. The main idea of the advertising is Scratch’N’Win lottery ticket. The aim of the ad is to make people aware that there are so many kinds of bugs in their house although their house looks clean and tidy. I delivered the message by making image of a clean house, which looks clean from outside, but when you scratch it, there are all kinds of bugs in it. There are also detail explanations of the service offered at the back of the card.
Scratching the card - This is direct mail advertising for bug buster. The main idea of the advertising is Scratch’N’Win lottery ticket. The aim of the ad is to make people aware that there are so many kinds of bugs in their house although their house looks clean and tidy. I delivered the message by making image of a clean house, which looks clean from outside, but when you scratch it, there are all kinds of bugs in it. There are also detail explanations of the service offered at the back of the card.
Bug Buster one off ad
Irenne Tjokrodinata
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