One Lot at a Time Recycling Flyer - Flyer done to advertise programs that raise funds for the One Lot at a Time campaign. Done in Adobe Illustrator CS5 exclusively. Vectored the One Lot at a Time Logo, designed the Just a Dime and Hump Day house logos. Designed my own cell phone recycling logo in Photoshop CS5 as well as edited the CD Cover in Photoshop.
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One Lot at a Time Flyer - The introductory flyers to One Lot at a Time's Community Kick off event. Done in Illustrator CS5, created my own road/calender graphics for the bottom, learning how to use CS5's new perspective tool while doing so.
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One Lot at a Time Flyer - The introductory flyers to One Lot at a Time's Community Kick off event. Done in Illustrator CS5, created my own road/calender graphics for the bottom, learning how to use CS5's new perspective tool while doing so.
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One Lot at a Time Flyer - The introductory flyers to One Lot at a Time's Community Kick off event. Done in Illustrator CS5, created my own road/calender graphics for the bottom, learning how to use CS5's new perspective tool while doing so.
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Just a Dime Logo - Created in Illustrator CS5 for one of the One Lot at a Time Campaign's fundraising programs.
Hump Day House Logo - A logo created in Illustrator CS5 for one of the One Lot at a Time Campaign's fundraising programs.
One Lot at a TIme