Dream Machine - An Interactive Automata. Take a seat in the Dream Machine's comfy chair while it extracts your dream and then projects it onto bedsheets
Dream Machine

Dream Machine was a project in collaboration with renowned lighting designer Moritz Waldemeyer and designer of automata Martin Smith of Laikingland.

Our brief was to use a modified arduino board to create an interactive automata.

I worked in a team of three on this project. Together we created many stop motion videos which we superimposed as peoples dreams.

When a person sits in the dream machine chair they trigger a switch which starts the dream machine 'processing their dream'. Firstly there is an ethereal light display followed by the extractor fan pulling the dream from the participant. Finally once the dream is processed a video is projected onto a suspended bed sheet playing out the dream which has just been extracted.

The project received an incredible response with people eager to participate and see what the Dream Machine had in store for them.

Jack Turton
Designer Bristol, United Kingdom