Pen Sketch/Photoshop Render - created by making a detailed Ball-point pen sketch. Then I used photoshop to show the details and volume of the watch concept.
Marker Render on color paper - created by making a detailed Ball-point pen sketch on red paper. Then I used gray scale markers to give stapler concept volume and white color pencil to create highlights
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Marker Render on Gray Paper - created by making a detailed Ball-point pen sketch on gray paper. Then I used gray scale markers to give stapler concept volume and White color pencil to create highlights
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Victorinox weed trimmer concept rendering - Rendered on computer using Sketchbook pro and Cintique
victorinox weed trimmer concept rendering - created on computer using Sketchbook Pro and a Cintique
Victorinox chainsaw concept rendering - Created on computer using Sketchbook Pro and a Cintique
Victorinox hearing protection concept rendering - Created on computer using Sketchbook Pro and a Cintique

Examples of my Hand rendering and computer rendering. For more information on specific projects or skills please contact me at:

Joel Anderson
Experience Designer Savannah, GA