
The Motobox viewer is an installation piece designed to house an interactive screen display inside and a two way communicator. The Goodification team stood nearby with cameras and a radio to ask inquisitive people (who stopped by to look into the Motobox™) questions based on the images on the display screen.

"We didn't want to walk up to someone and just ask, what motivates you. First, we conducted a national quantitative study among 1632 respondents to define 15 core motivations. Second, we saw how Hollywood has capitalized on the power of words and images to move an audience's senses and emotions. Perhaps then we could be used as inspiration to visually illustrate our motivations. So we sketched up a design for an old-fashioned picture viewer. The Motobox™ was born."

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Jonathan Shao
Package Designer, Toy Designer, Graphic Designer New York, NY