Abigail Portrait - These are the drawings that I have done over the past year.
Mike and Roma Portrait
Lucy Portrait - These are the drawings that I have done over the past year.
Juliet Life Drawing
Ira Life Drawing
Walter Life Drawing
Walter Life Drawing
Juliet Life Drawing
Juliet Life Drawing
Jen Life Drawing
Walter Life Drawing
Wedding Portrait - Another wedding portrait, thought this one I have done in color....first time I broke out the neocolor pastels since RISD
Portriat of Lucian - Smallest portrait I have done in years 4x6
Skeleton Study - Every time I take a drawing class I end up making a life size study with the figure and skeleton. This is my most recent work
Juliet Life Drawing
Portrait of Jen
Portrait of Tiffany
Jen Life Drawing
Jen Life Drawing
Jen Life Drawing
Ira Life Drawing
Heather Portrait - This is a recent portrait of a young girl.
Kat Holmes
Graphic Designer/Illustrator Warwick, RI