Kansas City Ballet - Brochure - Assignment: Comprehensive booklet for the Kansas City Ballet, showcasing productions, subscriber benefits, and special performances. Solution: Created brochure in keeping with the Ballet's fresh, contemporary feel, with a focus on high-profile benefits that convey social standing and offer visibility. Simple and elegant, but informative and visually appealing.
Point of Purchase - CD Display - Assignment: Package design with point of purchase display. Include booklet for compact disk. Solution: Created package design for Enigma, a new age musical project, sometimes known for combining Gregorian chants with a dance beat. This thought-provoking sound is represented with surreal images from illustrator R. Gonsalves and eco-friendly cardboard packaging.
Point of Purchase - CD Booklet - Assignment: CD booklet as companion to point-of-purchase display. Solution: Created booklet for Enigma, a new age musical project. This thought-provoking sound is represented with surreal images from illustrator R. Gonsalves, culminating in images which refer back to the Gregorian chants used in Enigma's first commercial success.
Mother Earth News - Updated Look - Assignment: Create updated look for Mother Earth News magazine. Include cover, two-page spread, and table of contents. Solution: Used a fresh, contemporary color palette in earth tones and soft greens to update the magazine's visual identity. First issue cover features hands holding a small tree similar to that in the retired logo as tribute, and to tie the new and the old together.
Kansas City Zoo - Newsletter - Assignment: Three-color mailable newsletter for the Kansas City Zoo's Friends of the Zoo. Include membership information. Solution: Created fun, family-friendly newsletter and logo in keeping with the zoo's playful website feel, using black, green, and blue.
Student Work

Student projects from Publication Design.

Kirsten Jackson
-- Glendora, CA