Home page. FOUR SEASONS LIME (UK). We are an established friendly family Bedfordshire (UK) based business that is both proud of its practical and professional experience within the farming and liming community for many years. We offer independent advice and personal service in the procurement and spreading of good quality lime products to keep your farm at maximum productivity.
About page. The drive behind FOUR SEASONS LIME (UK) are Paul Stevens and Roy Haywood who are both long established and recognised members of the farming community. FOUR SEASONS LIME was founded in the 1960’s with an express aim of providing a professional and reliable liming service. Farming methods are constantly changing but the necessity to maintain correct pH levels never changes. Whatever the acreage we can test it, we have extended our coverage to include Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Buckinghamshire and Northamptonshire (UK). Our service offers a multitude of techniques which can include Trimble SAT Guidance for customers wishing to carry out their own mapping and variable spreading, this provides a suitable plotting field information data and creates digital spreading data for your own machinery and maps for chosen manual targeting.
Reason page. Why we need to Lime: It is recommended a soil analysis is best carried out at least every 3-4 years; this would then give an indication of any changes in pH levels which may require attention. For sampling purposes splitting large fields into smaller areas enables lime to be applied exactly where it is required, this also in turn makes liming areas more accurate and cost effective. Sampling in the spring/ early summer enables plans to be made well ahead for application after harvest, and pre-delivery of lime before harvest to allow spreading immediately fields are cleared. It all adds up to helping maintain soil fertility and structure, encouraging worm and friendly bacterial activity and help in the control of some plant diseases.
Products page. LIMESTONE: Most recommended and commonly used Limestone ground to a fine micron size to make it readily available as soon as possible for after application. MAG LIMESTONE: (Magnesium) In many soils a high deficiency... CHALK: A principle natural liming.... LIMEX: As a by-product Limex... GYPSUM: Used to improve...
Testing page. pH SOIL TESTING: Our field staff carry out independent and detailed soil sampling to produce a detailed map of each field, identifying areas that need lime attention. Testing of samples is done in fields using the tried and tested BDH system. Spreading is carried out using our GPS guidance to ensure accurate application.
Four Seasons Lime (UK)

Four Seasons Lime (UK). An easy to comprehend and navigate website website illustrating the important need and uses within the agricultural community for "Lime Spreading". Balancing the pH levels in order for healthy crops in the following years.

All rights reserved Four Seasons Lime.
Photography/ Graphics/ Web Design by LT Concept Design.

Freelance, Full-time
Lee Thompson
Independent Graphic Design Professional Town Centre, United Kingdom