Bic Color and Trend Presentation - This assignment through JDK was a presentation to offer 3 color direction options for Bic Earring Headsets colors. Trend and color inspiration represents each color story. Product placement was intended for convenience stores. This is one of three.
Bic Earring Headset Color Application - Sample of color applied to the product.
JBL Spot Speaker Color and Graphics - A collaborative effort to set color direction and design graphics for the spot speaker colors. Colors needed to correspond with the existing iPod palette. Client: Harmon Multimedia.
Patagonia Color - This page represents a presentation to show how footwear merchandized with Patagonia apparel for the season. Responsible for color, materials and trend research for women's Patagonia Fall'08 collection (150+SKUs).
ACG Footwear Color Merch Page - Sample of color stories with product merchandized for team review. Colored entire line of men's and women's ACG footwear for Sp/Su 2007 (250+ SKUs). Designed the layout remaining consistent with the existing graphic design aesthetic.
Converse Color Options: Women's Footwear - Created color studies with minimal direction from the client. Illustrated footwear from designer's sketches.
Color Strategy for Nike Garage Footwear: Women's Running - Designed presentation boards and created color strategy for entire line of men's and women's product for the Garage Spring'08 product (300+ SKUs). Stories needed to tie-in to corresponding inline product.
Nike ACG Apparel Line List - Responsible for illustrating and coloring product based on designer sketches, and creating line lists for entire collection of men's and women's product, including accessories. Illustrations were also used in the product catalogs (500+ SKUs).
Nike ACG Trim Catalog: Cover - Created design of trim catalog for internal use. Initiated the creation of this catalog to save time searching for trim items over various seasons. Previous to this there was no efficient system for finding past season's trim items.
Color and Graphics
Lynn Feinstein
Designer, Entrepreneur, Artist Portland, OR