SIMtone Online Webapp Personalization: Wallpaper - Math Tools - Members may personalize their service look-and-feel, including wallpapers. Image library offered supports learning, challenges and stimulation across curriculum disciplines. Protractors, calculator artistically rendered for 1280x1024 screen resolution appealing to math fans and afficionados, and those who just like to measure ... everything.
SIMtone Online Webapp Personalization: Wallpaper - Wireframe Displays - Members may personalize their service look-and-feel, including wallpapers. Image library offered supports learning, challenges and stimulation across curriculum disciplines. Wireframe display racks for -- would you believe -- bathtubs?, for 1280x1024 screen resolution, appealing to students who love to build.
SIMtone Online Webapp Personalization: Wallpaper - CERN - Members may personalize their service look-and-feel, including wallpapers. Image library offered supports learning, challenges and stimulation across curriculum disciplines. CERN for 1280x1024 screen resolution.
SIMtone Online Webapp Personalization: Wallpaper - Circuitboard - Members may personalize their service look-and-feel, including wallpapers. Image library offered supports learning, challenges and stimulation across curriculum disciplines. Circuitboard for 1280x1024 screen resolution.
SIMtone Online Webapp Personalization: Wallpaper - Circuitboard - Members may personalize their service look-and-feel, including wallpapers. Image library offered supports learning, challenges and stimulation across curriculum disciplines. Circuitboard at 1280x1024 resolution. I'm attracted to this one for its fire+ice qualities.
SIMtone Online Webapp Personalization: Wallpaper - Equiangular Spiral Radial - Members may personalize their service look-and-feel, including wallpapers. Image library offered supports learning, challenges and stimulation across curriculum disciplines. Equiangular spiral radial in brilliant colors, for 1280x1024 screen resolution, to appeal to elementary and tweener students.
SIMtone Online Webapp Personalization: Wallpaper - Floating Backpacks - Members may personalize their service look-and-feel, including wallpapers. Image library offered supports learning, challenges and stimulation across curriculum disciplines. Floating backpacks in gold, silver, copper and black, for 1280x1024 screen resolution, to appeal to tweener and older students.
SIMtone Online Webapp Personalization: Wallpaper - Fake vBNS Web - Members may personalize their service look-and-feel, including wallpapers. Image library offered supports learning, challenges and stimulation across curriculum disciplines. Very high performance Backbone Network Service offered originally by the National Science Foundation, in muted colors, for 1280x1024 screen resolution, to appeal to younger and teen students.
SIMtone Online Webapp Personalization: Wallpaper - Floating Backpacks - Members may personalize their service look-and-feel, including wallpapers. Image library offered supports learning, challenges and stimulation across curriculum disciplines. Backpacks in blues, purples, silvers, blacks, for 1280x1024 screen resolution, to appeal to a wide age range of students.
SIMtone Online Webapp Personalization: Wallpaper - Hadron Collider - Members may personalize their service look-and-feel, including wallpapers. Image library offered supports learning, challenges and stimulation across curriculum disciplines. Large hadron collider, sideways, in brilliant colors, for 1280x1024 screen resolution, to appeal to a wide range of students.
SIMtone Online Webapp Personalization: Wallpaper - Large Hadron Collider - Members may personalize their service look-and-feel, including wallpapers. Image library offered supports learning, challenges and stimulation across curriculum disciplines. Large hadron collider, closeup and artistically rendered, for 1280x1024 screen resolution, to appeal to a wide range of students.
SIMtone Online Webapp Personalization: Wallpaper - Kidigi Red - Members may personalize their service look-and-feel, including wallpapers. Image library offered supports learning, challenges and stimulation across curriculum disciplines. Faces created with mathematical shapes and binary numbers, in fall colorway, for 1280x1024 screen resolution.
SIMtone Online Webapp Personalization: Wallpaper - Kidigi Blue - Members may personalize their service look-and-feel, including wallpapers. Image library offered supports learning, challenges and stimulation across curriculum disciplines. Faces created with mathematical shapes and binary numbers, in blues/purples for 1280x1024 screen resolution, to appeal to younger and tweener boys and girls.
SIMtone Online Webapp Personalization: Wallpaper - Large Hadron Collider Close-Up Red - Members may personalize their service look-and-feel, including wallpapers. Image library offered supports learning, challenges and stimulation across curriculum disciplines. Large hadron collider close-up in red colorway for 1280x1024 screen resolution.
SIMtone Online Webapp Personalization: Wallpaper - Large Hadron Collider Close-Up Yellow - Members may personalize their service look-and-feel, including wallpapers. Image library offered supports learning, challenges and stimulation across curriculum disciplines. Large hadron collider close-up in yellow colorway for 1280x1024 screen resolution.
SIMtone Online Webapp Personalization: Wallpaper - Hadron Collider Atlas Experiment - Members may personalize their service look-and-feel, including wallpapers. Image library offered supports learning, challenges and stimulation across curriculum disciplines. Large hadron collider atlas experiment, for 1280x1024 screen resolution, to appeal to older students, boys and girls.
SIMtone Online Webapp Personalization: Wallpaper - Large Helical Device - Members may personalize their service look-and-feel, including wallpapers. Image library offered supports learning, challenges and stimulation across curriculum disciplines. Industrial serpentine maze, for 1280x1024 screen resolution, to appeal to older students.
SIMtone Online Webapp Pesonalization: Wallpaper - Digital Clouds - Members may personalize their service look-and-feel, including wallpapers. Image library offered supports learning, challenges and stimulation across curriculum disciplines. Clouds background with "My Life in the Digital Clouds" in binary across top and bottom for 1280x1024 screen resolution.
SIMtone Online Webapp Personalization: Wallpaper - Hand - Members may personalize their service look-and-feel, including wallpapers. Image library offered supports learning, challenges and stimulation across curriculum disciplines. Hand on graph paper, for 1280x1024 screen resolution, appealing to older students, boys and girls.
SIMtone Online Webapp Personalization: Wallpaper - Sacks Spirals - Members may personalize their service look-and-feel, including wallpapers. Image library offered supports learning, challenges and stimulation across curriculum disciplines. Sacks spirals showing the distribution of prime numbers in colors, for 1280x1024 screen resolution, to appeal to tweener students.
SIMtone Online Webapp Personalization: Wallpaper - Code and Amble - Members may personalize their service look-and-feel, including wallpapers. Image library offered supports learning, challenges and stimulation across curriculum disciplines. Spiral Java source code and spiral amble side, for 1280x1024 screen resolution, appealing to STEM-loving students.
SIMtone Online Webapp Personalization: Wallpaper - Wireframe Atrium - Members may personalize their service look-and-feel, including wallpapers. Image library offered supports learning, challenges and stimulation across curriculum disciplines. Cool wireframe of a shopping mall atrium for 1280x1024 screen resolution. Similar to recent schools designed more along the lines of malls or airport buildings, with sections named accordingly, e.g. corridors or hallways are now concourses.
SIMtone Online Webapp Personalization: Wallpaper - World Clocks - Members may personalize their service look-and-feel, including wallpapers. Image library offered supports learning, challenges and stimulation across curriculum disciplines. Six world clocks showing the time in major cities, for 1280x1024 screen resolution, appealing to students with a global view.
Cloud - SIMtone Online Personalizations

Selection of wallpapers for SIMtone Online's Webapp computing environment for K-12 students.

Lisa C. Clark,...
Visual/Product Designer, Marketer, Serial Entrepreneur, Publisher, Venture Advisor San Diego, CA