Face Reader Character: "Martine Mardi Gras" - Characters I invented for as room decor for a southern California daytime event hosting a nationally renowned face reader as guest speaker who was popular on talk shows and worked with the U.S. federal government (The White House, NSA, CIA etc.). Each description, suggesting a face reader's interpretation, accompanied an artistically decorated 3D head depicting that character. Inspiration: City girls who like to ... stand out. Reaction? Rave reviews. (c) 2001 Lisa C. Clark
Face Reader Character: "Phantomess of the Opera" - Characters I invented for as room decor for a southern California daytime event hosting a nationally renowned face reader as guest speaker who was popular on talk shows and worked with the U.S. federal government (The White House, NSA, CIA etc.). Each description, suggesting a face reader's interpretation, accompanied an artistically decorated 3D head depicting that character. Inspiration: Walking dramatiques. Reaction? Rave reviews. (c) 2001 Lisa C. Clark
Face Reader Character: "Aviator Annie" - Characters I invented as room decor for a southern California daytime event hosting a nationally renowned face reader as guest speaker who was popular on talk shows and worked with the U.S. federal government (The White House, NSA, CIA etc.). Each description, suggesting a face reader's interpretation, accompanied an artistically decorated 3D head depicting that character. Inspiration: Life in Colorado. Reaction? Rave reviews. (c) 2001 Lisa C. Clark
Face Reader Character: "'Junior League' Jacqueline" - Characters I invented as room decor for a southern California daytime event hosting a nationally renowned face reader as guest speaker who was popular on talk shows and worked with the U.S. federal government (The White House, NSA, CIA etc.). Each description, suggesting a face reader's interpretation, accompanied an artistically decorated 3D head depicting that character. Inspiration: Life in Georgetown, Washington, D.C. Reaction? Rave reviews. (c) 2001 Lisa C. Clark
Face Reader Character: "Leucadia Lucy" - Characters I invented as room decor for a southern California daytime event hosting a nationally renowned face reader as guest speaker who was popular on talk shows and worked with the U.S. federal government (The White House, NSA, CIA etc.). Each description, suggesting a face reader's interpretation, accompanied an artistically decorated 3D head depicting that character. Inspiration: Life near the beach in San Diego, California. Reaction? Rave reviews. (c) 2001 Lisa C. Clark
Face Reader Character: "Mathilda Matisse" - Characters I invented for as room decor for a southern California daytime event hosting a nationally renowned face reader as guest speaker who was popular on talk shows and worked with the U.S. federal government (The White House, NSA, CIA etc.). Each description, suggesting a face reader's interpretation, accompanied an artistically decorated 3D head depicting that character. Inspiration: Artistes. Reaction? Rave reviews. (c) 2001 Lisa C. Clark
Face Reader Character: "Polly Padre" - Characters I invented for as room decor for a southern California daytime event hosting a nationally renowned face reader as guest speaker who was popular on talk shows and worked with the U.S. federal government (The White House, NSA, CIA etc.). Each description, suggesting a face reader's interpretation, accompanied an artistically decorated 3D head depicting that character. Inspiration: San Diego's more rabid Padres fans. Reaction? Rave reviews. (c) 2001 Lisa C. Clark
Face Reader Female Character Descriptions
Lisa C. Clark,...
Visual/Product Designer, Marketer, Serial Entrepreneur, Publisher, Venture Advisor San Diego, CA