"Heisenberg Fele Quantum"(c) - Crowdsource-voted at Thinker Clothing as favorite to include for sale in spring 2012 collection. BUY IT NOW at ThinkerClothing.com.
"Chromo'(c) - First 10 chromosomes + "Chromo". GET IT NOW on an olive T for men at www.ThinkerClothing.com.
"Klein Bottles"(c) - Voted by viewing guests at Thinker Clothing site as favorite to include for sale in spring 2012 collection. View/vote now at ThinkerClothing.com.
"Cerebral Chip"(c) - FAVORITED REPEATEDLY on 15M member DeviantArt.com e-commerce site. GET ONE OF OUR LAST ONES NOW for men at www.ThinkerClothing.com.
"Plays With String"(c) - Different representations of string theory, on a black T for men. GET IT NOW at www.ThinkerClothing.com.
"Alchemy"(c) - Chemistry precursor. Arabian al-kimia, Egyptian elixir. Kimia from Coptic khem Nile soil. Earth, fire, water, air. Zinc (Zn): "Philosopher's oxide". Potassium (K): As potash. Tin (Sn): Jupiter symbol. Gold (Au): Sun. Perfection. Silver (Ag): Moon. Phosphorus (P): Glowed as compound. Spirit. Lead (Pb): Saturn symbol. Bismuth (Bi): "White mass".
"Androidus Carpalium"(c) - Shadow dextrous hands driven by blocks of air muscles mounted in a "forearm" controlled by pneumatic valves and software. Fingers have 4 degrees of freedom, thumbs have 5; joints are sensed individually with Hall effect .2 degree accuracy. Steel, acetyl/aluminum, polycarbonate. See: www.Shadow.org.UK (London). Holding humanoid hands designed/built by Andreas Maryanto of Surabaya, Indonesia with 11 degrees-of-freedom -- 2 per finger + 1 for the thumb, operated with servo motors.
"Animatronic Anthropomorphic"(c) - Humanoid, mimicking, compact, lightweight hand from Gifu prefecture and University. Five-fingered with 6-axes force nano sensors by BL Autotec Co. for compliant pinching, driven by built-in servomotors using high stiffness gears from Maxson DC, Interelectric AG with magnetic encoders with 16 pulses per revolution. Twenty joints have 16 degrees-of-freedom, and the thumbs move independently. Mountable with a distributed tactile sensor with 624 detection points. www.ThinkerClothing.com
"Anthropomorphic Animatronic"(c) - Got pressure sensors? Slip-detectors? An independently operating 3-phalanxed, traction cable mechanical android hand. And a prosthetic Remedi-Hand with 6-motors/gears, power grip clutch capability, lightweight (400 g.) with carbon fibre fingers and palm, and rotate/flex movement. GET IT NOW at www.ThinkerClothing.com.
"Are You Grid-Equipped?"(c) - Wireless grid equipment: Vertical antenna, wavelets, parabolic grid directional antenna, mathematical digital signal array on sky spirals. Worn on Warner Bros.' "The Big Bang Theory" by star "Sheldon" on 2 February 2009 *AND* seen in-flight on United TV in February 2010 on a flight from Denver, CO to Bozeman, MT. GET IT NOW at www.ThinkerClothing.com.
"Are You Sequenced?"(c) - DNA molecule and as ribbon. See our Ts available now at www.ThinkerClothing.com.
"Cellular Components"(c) - Cell phone microphone, speaker, battery. See what's available at www.ThinkerClothing.com.
"DNA Transfecting"(c) - The process by which DNA enters cellular cytoplasm when microbubbles break down the cellular membrane, allowing passage. GET ONE OF OUR LAST ONES NOW at www.ThinkerClothing.com.
"Earth to Ozone"(c) - Global warming, greenhouse gases, the undeniable rise in atmospheric CO2 -- scientific, mathematical facts; an inconvenient truth. See this design also as our bag concept. GET IT NOW at www.ThinkerClothing.com.
"Electrocars"(c) - Stackable citicars with "wheel robot" electric motors for urban living and omnidirectional/360 degree movement from Smart Cities project at MIT Media Lab. Also Smart car from Daimler tested in London, ~65 mi range. Myers Motors' NmG electric car: Highway speed + a day's worth of driving range. Aptera's 3-wheel hybrid: Gullwing doors, Eco-Chic seating, SMART phone connectivity. Courtesy of 100K mile+ lithium batteries and plug-in stations.
"Eradicate: Priority One"(c) - Microscopic views of some of the world's most difficult diseases and medical maladies: Dengue, e coli, anthrax, cholera, Ebola, yellow fever. A tall, handsome college guy, the first to see this design in grey as models picked what to wear at our COMIC-CON launch, took a close look and, when I described to him what it was, said, "GROSS! .... COOL!" www.ThinkerClothing.com
"Expressing Epigenetically"(c) - Changes in genetic appearance or behavior without changes in DNA, e.g. cellular differentiation where an embryo changes into blood, muscle, skin cells as it divides, activating some genes and inhibiting others. When genetic information isn't correctly transcribed from RNA to DNA, health may be impacted. Here: Methyl groups in, acetyl groups out, on a functional analysis.
"Genome"(c) - BUILDING BLOCKS OF LIFE DNA radical, molecule and RAD complex. How many combinations can be made with adenine, thymine, guanine and cytosine ("ATGC")? GET IT NOW at www.ThinkerClothing.com.
"Graphene"(c) - FRONT PAGE NEWS. Small, strong, a one-molecule thick carbon that bonds as a 2D planar sheet. Billed as the strongest substance ever found. Conducts electricity endlessly, at room temp. Scientists are going ga-ga over this for its etching, semiconductor, silicon-replacement possibilities. See what's available at www.ThinkerClothing.com.
"I AM biofuel."(c) - I: Don't have to affect fresh water, use ocean/wastewater, am biodegradable/relatively harmless to the environment. Per lb I yield a lot of energy. Algae, using sunlight to produce lipids/oil, huge yield, takes 1/17th the land space of corn to harvest and is becoming commercially viable. Biofuels may be made from animal fat, recycled restaurant grease, landfill garbage. Algaculture is hot right now for making vegetable oil, biodiesel, bioethanol, biogasoline, biomethanol, biobutanol.
"I am Disruptively Synapsing"(c) - Brain synapses: Neurons (~10B in humans) signaling to other neurons and to muscle and gland cells. An action potential wave – a spike discharged by the neuron - moves along its axon, reaches the synapse or junction point, releases neurotransmitters that bind to chemical receptors on the other neuron. Disruptively innovative thinkers work their synapses hard. www.ThinkerClothing.com
"I am Relaying Wirelessly to You Now."(c) - Cell towers, towers, towers. The Grid is Growing: Relays, base stations, wireless transmissions, WiMAX. Are you receiving my signals? See what's available at www.ThinkerClothing.com.
"I am Synthesizing Proteins Right Now."(c) - Ribosomes. Active in protein synthesis during, and after, exercise. GET IT NOW at www.ThinkerClothing.com.
"I Bond to Peptides"(c) - Peptide bonds on a ground of insulin. Created for a professional biotech organization. (c) 2009 Textiles for Thinkers, LLC All Rights Reserved.
"I D E N T I T Y"(c) - The myriad ways identity is shown/verified: Driver's licenses, personal identity cards, national registration cards, passports, social security cards, optical scans, computer identity cards, handprints, fingerprints, barcodes, mobile codes for consumer products. What is your I D E N T I T Y? www.ThinkerClothing.com
"I speak digital"(c) - "I speak digital" in binary, the number system used for computer processor instructions expressed as digits "0" and "1", represented in strings of eight digits. Used to encode data. This message is fixed-width octal (groupings of eight) notation. Applied in 1932 as C.E. Wynn-Williams' "Scale of Two" counter. GET IT NOW at www.ThinkerClothing.com.
"kine human engineering"(c) - Human kinesthetics: The ultimate mechanical, electrical and hydraulic engineering for warriors, triangle lovers .... See the latest at www.ThinkerClothing.com.
"Math Polys"(c) - WHAT IS A STEREOGRAPHIC POLYTOPE? Star figure 9-3 nonagon, stereographic polytope 24-cell faces, Klein bottle, Schlegel 120-cell wireframe, conicas, two math symbols lists. No oblate spheroids, Moebius strips or hendecagons? In how many dimensions can you work? can you think? GET IT NOW at www.ThinkerClothing.com.
"MEMS"(c) - FAVORITED on 15M member DeviantArt.com e-commerce site. Micro electromechanical systems (nano/micromachines: Torsional ratcheting electrostatic actuator, vibratory gyroscopic fabricated MEMS, RF MEMS 208MHz filter, integrated MEMS electronics 3 axis accelerometer. Made by molding, electroplating, vapor deposition, wet/dry/reactive ion etching, techniques modified from semiconductor fabrication. Made using silicon, polymers, metals. GET IT NOW at www.ThinkerClothing.com.
"Me-Reader"(c) - FAVORITED REPEATEDLY on 15M member DeviantArt.com e-commerce site. E-readers, "wireless reading devices": Small and lightweight, book/newspaper/magazine/blog downloads and libraries, 3G wireless. Thousands of titles, demanded with color and Web browser -- has sparked a price war. Do you e-read yet? Fujitsu Flepia, SONY E-Reader, E Ink Color E-Reader, Amazon Kindle on ground of sight words word search.
"Mobo"(c) - GREEN - Motherboard. Worn by "Sheldon" on Warner Bros.' "The Big Bang Theory" in 2009 and a best-seller. GET IT NOW for men on dark chocolate and for women on black at www.ThinkerClothing.com.
"Myelin Sheath Still Flexible"(c) - Myelin is an electrically insulated phospholipid layer surrounding axons of neurons. This sheath allows electrical impulses to move along the neuron fiber continuously and faster – with 5000x increased resistance, and prevents them from leaving the neuron. Sheath loss (demyelination) is found in MS and other neurodegenerative autoimmune diseases and can impact vision, memory, speech and movement. Keep your sheath flexible, and your thoughts will flow. Our Ts: www.ThinkerClothing.com.
"Nano"(c) - Respirocytes, nanomed devices by Robt Freitas, Jr. as artificial mech. red blood cells, delivering more O2. 18B structure atoms + 9B temp. resident molecules. Active serum glucose pumping. Nanocomputer, chem./pressure sensors, programmable by acoustic signals. Also nanoprobes w/vertical comblike plates support conducting silicon needle tips on 150 micron arms; voltage => movement. Together: Scanning tunneling microscopes. Nanobots. GET IT NOW at www.ThinkerClothing.com.
"Noetically Stimulated"(c) - FAVORITED on 15M member DeviantART.com e-commerce site. A nod to Dan Brown's latest "The Lost Symbols", noetic science has been described as the link between modern science and ancient mysticism: Quantum consciousness meets New Physics and hermetic philosophy. What's more mysterious than the attraction to intellect -- creating massive entanglement? See what's available at www.ThinkerClothing.com.
"Omnitruncated'(c) - TERMINATE ABRUPTLY IN ALL DIRECTIONS? Schlegel wireframes: Eight-cell, 16-cell, 120-cell omnitruncated. May have faces that are squares, regular hexagons, and regular or non-regular octagons. GET IT NOW at www.ThinkerClothing.com.
"Particle: Higgs Boson"(c) - MAGENTA - A theoretical quantum particle being investigated now using the collider at CERN and at Fermilab. Assuming particle mass even in “empty" vacuums, the Higgs boson would explain structure differences between photon electromagnetism and W/Z boson weak forces and give mass to vector bosons. See Peter Higgs, Feynman. Check out what's available at www.ThinkerClothing.com.
"Particle: Higgs Boson"(c) - NAVY - A theoretical quantum particle being investigated now using the collider at CERN and at Fermilab. Assuming particle mass even in "empty" vacuums, the Higgs boson would explain structure differences between photon electromagnetism and W/Z boson weak forces and give mass to vector bosons. See Peter Higgs, Feynman. Men have really liked this one. www.ThinkerClothing.com
"Particle: Higgs Boson"(c) - PURPLE - A theoretical quantum particle being investigated now using the collider at CERN and at Fermilab. Assuming particle mass even in "empty" vacuums, the Higgs boson would explain structure differences between photon electromagnetism and W/Z boson weak forces and give mass to vector bosons. See Peter Higgs, Feynman. A very popular colorway with women. See what's available at www.ThinkerClothing.com.
"Plays With String"(c) - Top-viewed women's T on Coroflot. Different representations of string theory. Created per the request of a San Diego CONNECT program gal who said her husband was really into string theory. BUY ON SALE NOW! LAST white Ts for women and black Ts for men at www.ThinkerClothing.com.
"Polypaths"(c) - FAVORITED on DeviantArt.com. HOW MANY PATHS DO YOU TAKE? Winding or even/odd graphical drawing of a path with x and y vectors, with paths unfilled or densities specified, and joined, mitred commands. The path closes by joining the last point to the first point. Coordinates can contain missing values. NA values break the path into several sub-paths. Paths can contain holes, fill a region if the path border encircles it odd/non-zero times. See what's available at www.ThinkerClothing.com.
"Quantum"(c) - ORANGE - Selected by Warner Bros. in 2009 to be worn on TV's "The Big Bang Theory". Essentials of quantum theory: Decoherence, interference, uncertainty, exclusion, transformation, measurement. And its fundamental equation. Wildly popular at the 2009 Oscars celebrity gift suite in Beverly Hills. (See Jennifer Coolidge's quote in the "Oscars" set.) Available now at www.ThinkerClothing.com.
"RU Thnkng? Does It Show?"(c) - No explanation needed. RU? Does it? Yes, it matters. Smart is good. Brainy is terrific. Intelligent is awesome. All kinds of each is wonderful. Cogitamus igitur possumus. www.ThinkerClothing.com
"Social Emotional Humanoid"(c) - Social, interactive, teaching, task-responsible, adaptive AI. (c) 2010 Textiles for Thinkers, LLC See other styles at www.ThinkerClothing.com
"Space Time Energy"(c) - Einstein's theory of general relativity requires the use of vectors, tensors and pseudotensors (extending vectors to multiple dimensions), curvilinear coordinates. Mass, length and the passage of time all change as an object's speed approaches the speed of light -- thus complicating the calculation of an object's motion. If you prefer the Minkowski metric, Maxwell's equations, Lorentz or Faraday's law of induction and Gaussian magnetism, this is for you. www.ThinkerClothing.com
"Superbowl Brain Inside"(c) - UCLA and FKF Applied Research used functional MRIs to measured consumer emotional reaction to "interruption marketing" ads: The ventral striatum (rewards) section of the brain / the amygdala, which detects threats or danger, showed greatest activity. Thou Canst Not Fool Consumers. Brands: Pay attention .... Hours after we posted this on www.ThinkerClothing.com in January 2010 came a Yahoo! headline that ads are being pulled from the Superbowl. Cosmic.
"Supercompute"(c) - Servers in the San Diego Supercomputer Center handling data management, networking, modeling, high-performance computing, scientific visualization, chemistry, physics, grid computing, the Rocks Cluster, the Tree of Life, earthquake engineering simulations, biology, the Protein Database, geoinformatics. Nationally sensitive data classified as "black", "grey" or "white" depending on need-to-know access and security clearance at highest levels of government and business.
"Synapsing now."(c) - ALL YOUR 1014 TO 5×1014 (100-500 trillion) SYNAPSES WORKING? Nerves. "Synaptein", from the Greek "syn-" ("together") and "haptein" ("to clasp"). Biologically may be electrical, immunological, chemical. Is your action potential traveling? Are you releasing neurotransmitter molecules to bind? Rev 'em. GET IT NOW at www.ThinkerClothing.com.
"Tap v. Bottled"(c) - One of the first Ts we sold. Annually, 29B plastic water bottles are produced for use in the U.S., requiring 17M barrels of crude oil to manufacture. In 2006, of the 2.7M tons of PET bottles on U.S. shelves, 80% went to landfill, sitting for 700 years before starting to decompose. Dripping faucets, mineral water bottles (+ stacked/dirty), the chemical formula for PET “polyethylene terephthalate" -- the petroleum-based plastic used to make the bottles.
"Technosaurus Computaurus"(c) - Those who've been around since the Correcting Selectric, and who are feeling like techno dinos, will get a kick out of this one: ADM3A System 1 Apple 1 Atari 400 DEC VT78 Tandy TRS80 Model 3 Tiki 100 ... and early computing languages Basic, Fortran, C etc. with code lines. See what's available at www.ThinkerClothing.com.
"The REAL Laws of Attraction"(c) - Collapsing of an attractor in Edward Lorenz' chaos theory: The behavior of dynamic systems involving the "butterfly effect" where initial conditions in a system (solar, electrical, laser, chemical, population, neurons, molecules, weather/climate/tectonics) are highly sensitive to, and impacted, by slight changes. First discovered by Henri Poincare in 1890, Lorenz focused on computerized weather simulations in 1961. See also, Benoit Mandelbrot and fractals. Quickly top-viewed by men.
"Thinking ..."(c) - Smart, daily, critically, positively. 24/7/365. Scientific skepticism: Judge, discern, evaluate in/tangibles & reflect, observe, experience, reason. Use informal logic w/ clarity, credibility, accuracy, precision, relevance, depth, breath, significance, fairness. Past prejudice, bias, propaganda, self-deception, distortion, misinformation. Highlight humility, empathy, integrity past rote learning/facts. Our iconic T. GET IT NOW for women and men at www.ThinkerClothing.com.
"Thinking ... 24/7/365"(c) - Mental process involving objectives, plans, ends, desires. Also cognition, sentience (awareness of being), consciousness, idea, imagination. Humans match patterns by judging new circumstances against those remembered, reasoning and separating present and past. Uses models, symbols, diagrams, pictures, abstraction, iteration, attention/concentration, communication. See what's available at www.ThinkerClothing.com.
"UAV Microdrones"(c) - Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs): Originally remotely piloted or self-piloted aircraft carrying cameras, sensing/comms payloads up to 2K lb., traveling up to ~48 hours and at altitudes ranging to 65K feet for intelligence gathering. See DOD, DARPA, NASA. Microdrones: Toy sized UAVs with Vertical Take-Off and Land (VTOL) using GPS nav for low height aerial imaging in journalism, security/defense, construction, exploring. See our available Ts at www.ThinkerClothing.com.
"Ultra SPARCLE"(c) - For SPARC (Scalar Processor ARCitecture) technology fans: An homage to my alma mater Sun Microsystems (workstations/servers/Java -- "The Network is the Computer" distributed computing) as it is subsumed into Oracle: UltraSPARC RK chips and T2 server-on-a-chip layouts.
"Wafer Chip Logic"(c) - Intel's 21285 core logic device interfaces between StrongARM SA-110 microprocessor and other semiconductor components: Office automation, interactive workstations, Web digital media. Great for portable/battery apps, routers, scanners, base stations, gamers. Intel's 90 nm Pentium-M chip in laptops on 300 mm silicon wafers, 2x+ yield. Sony's high-def video CMOS sensor "ClearVid" chip enables 1920x1080 signal processing with angled pixel layout. GET IT NOW at www.ThinkerClothing.com.
"What is the Trajectory of Your Chaos?"(c) - Warhol-esque, these mathematical representations express chaos theory, originally useful in predicting weather patterns. The first day I wore this design on a women's ribbed black T in public, a man in the local post office said, "I know half a dozen women who'd wear that to express the condition of their daily lives!" GET IT NOW at www.ThinkerClothing.com.
"What's a Stereographic Polytope?"(c) - What % of people you know could answer this? What % of people you know would go digging to find out? See what's available at www.ThinkerClothing.com.
"You Wear What You Eat"(c) - If we are what we eat, let's wear what we eat: Do we know the ingredients IN those packages? Chemical additives, supplements, vitamin-enhanced -ides, -ates, -ins, -enes, and their molecular formulae. Eat up! Some say, "If I can't pronounce what's in it, I'm not eatin' it!" www.ThinkerClothing.com
"Archimedes Circle"(c) - Crowdsource-voted at Thinker Clothing, as favorite to include for sale in spring 2012 collection. BUY THIS NOW at ThinkerClothing.com.
"Hoberman Schlegel 8-Cell"© - Voted with views by Thinker Clothing guests as favorite to include in spring 2012 collection to sell. BUY THIS NOW at www.ThinkerClothing.com.
"Particle Momentum Energy"(c) - Voted by viewing guests of Thinker Clothing site as a favorite to include in spring 2012 collection. BUY THIS NOW at ThinkerClothing.com.
"Pion Muon Decay"(c) - This subatomic particle as it's actually decaying. Are your particles decaying? BUY THIS DESIGN IN STYLES at ThinkerClothing.com.
"Nanotubular"(c) - Voted by Thinker Clothing(tm) site viewing guests as favorite to sell in our spring 2012 collection. BUY THIS NOW at ThinkerClothing.com.
"Accelerate Graphically"(c) - Crowdsource-voted by Thinker Clothing(tm) site visitors to be included for sale in 2012 Collection. BUY IT NOW at www.ThinkerClothing.com.
"Cissoid of Diocles"(c) - Crowd-sourced voted at Thinker Clothing(tm) site as part of 2012 Collection. (c) 2012 Textiles for Thinkers, LLC
"CMS Hadron Experiment"(c) - Crowdsource-voted by visitors to Thinker Clothing(tm) site to be included for sale in 2012 Collection. BUY IT NOW at ThinkerClothing.com.
"CMS Hadron Experiment"(c) - Crowdsource-voted by visitors to Thinker Clothing(tm) site to be included for sale in 2012 Collection. BUY IT NOW at ThinkerClothing.com.
"CMS Hadron Experiment"(c) - Crowdsource-voted by visitors to Thinker Clothing(tm) site to be included for sale in 2012 Collection. BUY IT NOW at ThinkerClothing.com.
"DNA Markers"(c) - Crowdsource-voted as favorite at Thinker Clothing(tm) site to be included for sale in 2012 Collection. BUY IT NOW at ThinkerClothing.com.
"DNA Markers"(c) - Crowdsource-voted by visitors at Thinker Clothing(tm) site to be included for sale in 2012 Collection. BUY IT NOW at ThinkerClothing.com.
"96703210 Neutrino Alpha"(c) - Crowd-sourced voted by visitors to Thinker Clothing(tm) site to be included for sale in 2012 Collection. BUY IT NOW at ThinkerClothing.com.
"96703210 Neutrino Alphas"(c) - Crowd-source voted by visitors to Thinker Clothing(tm) site to be included for sale in 2012 Collection.
"96703210 Neutrino Alphas"(c) - Crowdsource-voted by customers visiting Thinker Clothing(tm) site to be included for sale in 2012 Collection. BUY IT NOW at ThinkerClothing.com.
"96703210 Neutrino Alphas"(c) - Crowdsource-voted by visitors to Thinker Clothing(tm) site to be included for sale in 2012 Collection. BUY IT NOW at ThinkerClothing.com.
"Baryon DeCuplet"(c) - Crowdsource-voted by visitors to Thinker Clothing(tm) site to be included for sale in 2012 Collection. BUY IT NOW at ThinkerClothing.com.
"CDF Supersymmetry"(c) - Crowdsource-voted by visitors to Thinker Clothing(tm) site to be included for sale in 2012 Collection. BUY IT NOW at ThinkerClothing.com.
"CDF Supersymmetry"(c) - Crowdsource-voted by visitors to Thinker Clothing(tm) site to be included for sale in 2012 Collection. BUY IT NOW at ThinkerClothing.com.
2012 Collection STEM Ts P1 - Some of our popular T colors and designs crowdsource-voted by Thinker Clothing(tm) site guests globally.
2012 Collection STEM Ts P2 - Some of our popular T colors and designs crowdsource-voted by Thinker Clothing(tm) site guests globally.
e-Commerce Brand - Thinker Clothing STEM T Shirts

Men's and women's cotton t-shirts highlighting innovations in STEM, available at www.ThinkerClothing.com including our 2012 Collection featuring particle physics, genomics, social networking and high-order math.

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Lisa C. Clark,...
Visual/Product Designer, Marketer, Serial Entrepreneur, Publisher, Venture Advisor San Diego, CA