PR Sheet
Presentation Board - The presentation was a simple and clean design to reflect the cultural style and to emphasize the buildings linear quality.
Exterior Perspectives/ Site Plan - Five pivoted rectilinear masses protrude through the existing exterior to provoke curiosity and draw people into the building.
1st Floor Plan/ RCP - A darker polished concrete guides and defines spectator areas throughout skatepark providing new and unique perspectives of the sports.
2nd Floor Plan/ RCP - A suspended bridge provides circulation between the secondary spaces (Retail,Lounge, Gallery, and Cafe), as well as, an elevated view of the action below.
North Section - This interior section depicts a cut through the gallery and provides a constant visual relationship between spectator and riders wether it be from within the gallery, on the bridge or in the course.
East Section - The overall section provides a visual of the skateparks dynamism. The enlarged view illustrates a view of the cafe.
East Section Cont'd - The enlarged view depicts how unique viewpoints are created from above on the bridge and below under the skate bowl.
East Section Cont'd - This enlarged view provides a view within both the lounge and retail areas and how they are harmoniously integrated within the skatepark.
Interior Perspectives - Each perspective provides a view of what spectator and other riders would experience within the skatepark.
Materials Palette - The materials palette is fittingly industrial with sophisticated colors and materials creating an edgy yet comfortable environment.
Basswood Model - Basswood model at 1/8" Scale.
Thesis- Indoor Skatepark
Lauren Mammano
Lauren Mammano trenton, NJ