Vandalite Luminaire Project - MoldFlow Analysis. - This shows a moldflow analysis from the 2nd year luminaire project. The analysis was completed in SolidWorks.
Security Project - GA Drawing. - This shows a GA drawing from the 2nd year project looking at security and safety. The GA was completed in SolidWorks.
Vandalite Luminaire Project - Parts Tree. - This shows a parts tree from the 52nd year luminaire project. This helped to figure out how the product would be put together for retail as well as how long it would take to do so. Parts Tree was completed in Adobe Photoshop.
Major Project - Sustainable Domestic Living - GA Drawing - This GA is the main GA for my major project. The final design was an upgradeable computer system and this shows the main dimensions and movement of the computer. The GA was completed in SolidWorks.
Technical Work
Martin Wright
Martin Wright Leeds, United Kingdom