City Branding - As a small group of Industrial and Graphic designers we were challenged with creating an entirely new brand for the city of Macon, GA. Deliverables include: city signage, history wall, information/map kiosk, city vehicles, city logo, welcome monument, stationary package, documentation (specifics on sizes and materials).
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City Branding - As a small group of Industrial and Graphic designers we were challenged with creating an entirely new brand for the city of Macon, GA. Deliverables include: city signage, history wall, information/map kiosk, city vehicles, city logo, welcome monument, stationary package, documentation (specifics on sizes and materials).
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City Branding - As a small group of Industrial and Graphic designers we were challenged with creating an entirely new brand for the city of Macon, GA. Deliverables include: city signage, history wall, information/map kiosk, city vehicles, city logo, welcome monument, stationary package, documentation (specifics on sizes and materials).
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Wallace Brand Wall - Short 4 day project done with a partner in 2010. People walk right by Wallace from the dorms to campus every day yet no one knows what is inside. A simple and cost effective rebranding can fix this!
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City Branding