Courtyard Render 1 - Here is a render of the Courtyard during a different time of day
Courtyard Render 2 - Here is another render of the Courtyard, I used the daylight system to change the time of day
Courtyard Render 3 - Here is a render of the fountain and helmet
Courtyard Render 4 - Here is a render from the inside looking outside at the fountain and temple
Courtyard Render 5 - Here is a render of the fountain and helmet during a different time of day, at night.
Courtyard Render Wireframe 1 - Here is a render of the fountain and helmet in Wireframe format
Courtyard Render Wireframe 2 - Here is another close up of the helmet in Wireframe format
Courtyard Level
Paul Phillips
3D Artist and Animator Tempe, AZ