White Converse high top shoe with fabric paint illustration.
White Converse high top shoe with fabric paint illustration.
White Converse high top shoe with fabric paint illustration.
White Converse high top shoe with fabric paint illustration.
White Converse high top shoe with fabric paint illustration.
White Converse high top shoe with fabric paint illustration.
Example of adding background effects. First, no background, just the foreground image.
Example of background effect two, addition of plain black background to the palm cockatoo painting.
Example of background effects three, my favorite. Additioin of a meteor shower effect onto the black thus increasing the depth behind the plam cockatoo foreground.
A great design for the patriotic among us. Other countries can also be done this way.
Another patriotic layout.
For the lovers of The Boss
Shoe Art

Custom paintings onto white Converse canvas hightop shoes. Fabric paint applied with brush and airbrush. Thinned fabric paint used with crowquill pen for details.

Robert Lee Beers
Robert Lee Beers Henderson, NV