Downright Despicable - Tryptic for 'Downright' show at the PEP Gallery.
Abominable Snowhugs - Painting I submitted to the Fanatagraphics new book, Beasts! 2.
Rocket Fingers - For the "Grand Union" exhibit at the Front Room Gallery, Brooklyn. 5''x7'' alkyd & acrylic
Eye Tooth - For "A Piece Apart" exhibit at the Aidan Savoy Gallery, NYC. 5''x5'' alkyd & acrylic
This is Getting Tiresome - For "A Piece Apart" exhibit at the Aidan Savoy Gallery, NYC. 5''x5'' alkyd & acrylic
Our Lady of the Ring - Self portrait of a broken nose. 25''x23'' alkyd & acrylic
Shark Love - An editorial about marriage phobia. 10''x10.5'' alkyd & acrylic
Sara Antoinette Martin
Oh hey, whats up? Brooklyn, NY