MY VINTAGE RAIL POSTERS - Huge nice posters, with accent on rairoading stuffs, these posters sells very well here, among railfans fellows... ;) In this subject, I am talking about the Westinghouse / General Electric joint venturing this hardware, designed to tow thousand tons of heavy full loaded cargo trains at the eletrified rails of Brazil. It was nicknamed here as LOBA (the female wolf ) by the rail yard ground workers and most of the Locomotive Engineers, but, please, do not asks me the Why... ;)
MY RAIL POSTERS - Widescreen Poster with the GENERAL ELECTRIC - WESTINGHOUSE 2+C-C+2 Vintage Locomotive showing the RFFSA - CENTRAL DO BRASIL corporative colours.
MY RAIL POSTERS - In this graphics, the GENERAL ELECTRIC 1980 DASH - NINE ( C44-9W ) stays a little behind of the good old C30-7 1970 Locomotive of the same factory. The plane is a McDonnel - Douglas wich bring our Cup JULLES RIMET of Soccer, unnafortunelly, stoled and melted in RIO, we now have only a fake one. This work was for an annual event, hired by the city of BEBEDOURO - SP, where the largests Orange Juice exportations factories stays.
MY RAIL POSTERS - Main Poster with the GENERAL ELECTRIC - WESTINGHOUSE 2+C-C+2 Vintage Locomotive showing the three most important historic rail companies wit his corporative colours schemes in Brazil: top: RFFSA - CENTRAL DO BRASIL; mid: CIA PAULISTA DE E. DE FERRO; bot: FEPASA - FERROVIAS PAULISTAS;
MY VINTAGE RAIL POSTERS - Huge nice posters, with accent on rairoading stuffs, these posters sells very well here, among railfans fellows... ;) In this subject, I am talking about the Westinghouse / General Electric joint venturing the blueprints of the elegant 2+C-C+2 Electric Locomotive project. Devouring more than 3.000 Volts an hour at mortally high amperages, this astonishing and fancy Female Demons rushing by shiny rails of Brazil at pornographics 174km/h !
MY RAIL POSTERS - Widescreen Poster with the GENERAL ELECTRIC - WESTINGHOUSE 2+C-C+2 Vintage Locomotive showing the FEPASA - FERROVIAS PAULISTAS S/A corporative coca-cola like scheme colours.
VINTAGE RAIL POSTERS - Huge nice posters, with accent on rairoading stuffs, these posters sells very well here, among railfans fellows... ;) In this subject, the WESTINGHOUSE - GENERAL ELECTRIC joint venturing the blueprints of the 2+C-C+2 Electric Locomotive with the R.F.F.S.A., the REDE FERROVIARIA FEDERAL corporative Red & Orange colours.
MY VINTAGE RAIL POSTERS - Huge nice posters, with accent on rairoading stuffs, these posters sells very well here, among railfans fellows... ;) In this beauty work, I scanned a little tag measuring 2x2 cm of glued on an old hard leather suitcase of a Historic Museum and made a brand new oil on canvas screen of the vintage Chief of the Passenger 1st Class Car.
MY VINTAGE RAIL POSTERS - Huge nice posters, with accent on rairoading stuffs, these posters sells very well here, among railfans fellows... ;) In this subject, I am talking about the EMD Eletro - Motive Division G22-U 1975 Diesel - Electric Locomotive, a common place in Brazilian Railroads & Railyards of the present days.
MY RAIL POSTERS - Widescreen Poster with the GENERAL ELECTRIC - WESTINGHOUSE 2+C-C+2 Vintage Locomotive showing the CP - COMPANHIA PAULISTA DE ESTRADAS DE FERRO corporative colours.
MY VINTAGE RAIL POSTERS - Huge nice posters, with accent on rairoading stuffs, these posters sells very well here, among railfans fellows... ;) In this subject, the WESTINGHOUSE - GENERAL ELECTRIC joint venturing the blueprints of the 2+C-C+2 Electric Locomotive with the CP, COMPANHIA PAULISTA DE ESTRADAS DE FERRO Corporative colours.
MY VINTAGE RAIL POSTERS - Huge nice posters, with accent on rairoading stuffs, these posters sells very well here, among railfans fellows... ;) In this subject, the WESTINGHOUSE - GENERAL ELECTRIC joint venturing the blueprints of the 2+C-C+2 Electric Locomotive with the FEPASA coca-cola like corporative colours.