Dardard, the ally of the bees.
Dardard, the ally of the bees.
Dardard, the ally of the bees.
Dardard - Asiatic hornet trap for V2P Concept

Accidentally landed in Le Havre in 2004 by ships carrying Chinese pottery or wood, the Asian hornet - or " Vespa velutina nigrithorax " from its real name - is now a real threat to European bees, biodiversity, but also for ourselves...

Dardard is developed with and for beekeepers faced daily and directly to the indigenous hornet. Designed using production skills such as thermoforming and machining, low tooling costs make this product scalable facing experiences feedback of use.

Legend or reality, yellow and black two-tone increases attraction, the black and opaque part of the trap is the bait attractive container, transparent yellow part permits to see inside of the trap and thus control inside without have to open it.
Lines, directly inspired by Hymenopteras biological environment reference to the formal and visual codes of the hive and the honeycomb in order to fit better in the environment and be clearly identified by humans.

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Tomish Design
Global & Industrial Designer - CEO Lille, France