Overview - "Medical Device Turns Digital Toy" - Asthmon encourages asthmatic children's self-management in school setting. A combination of traditional peak flow meter and virtual pet mini games, by turning the 'blow (wind) energy' into games active input. The virtual pet creates personal and emotional attachment between the children and the device, which will ultimately lead to a long-term engagement.
Concept - Asthmon combines the ubiquity of a peak flow meter and portable mini game. The goal is to empower asthmatic children to manage themselves because they would be their own best helper. The ubiquitous toy uses airflow sensing and a novel character representing children's health condition based on peak flow value and suggesting appropriate action based on Asthma Action Plan. The system consists of 2 components; a portable toy and a software module (remote viewing) for caregivers.
Design - The product has to be fun; not only in terms of the game itself but also other visual elements (shape, colors, textures, materials, etc.). Although we are trying to create a medical innovation, but at the same time the product still has to be self-explanatory, easy-to-use, and easy-to-understand.
Game Interface - Once the device detects peak flow value(s) from the mic sensor, the data will then be processed and translated into green (100%-80%), yellow (80%-50%), or red (below 50%) light, using the same logic as traditional Asthma Action Plan. This could give children essential notion of their current condition and suggest appropriate action(s) to take.
Final working prototype

Interactive Toy for Asthmatic Children
[[CHI2010 Work-in-Progress Finalist]]

Wassa R Panont
WaRP Design Bangkok, Thailand