wine label concept - illustration, photoshoped graphite
cold as a six shot revolver
lonely wine - simple black and white, done with india ink only.
monochrome angel - ilustration, photoshoped graphite
kenyan elephant - sketch, ball point pen
Heihachi Hyashida of Samurai 7 - illustration
Sleeping dragon - Sculpture
Sleeping Dragon - Sculpture
Sleeping Dragon - Sculpture
LoGic - quick 3D model
LoGic - quick 3D model
LoGic - quick 3D model
chillin? - robot illustration
Damaged - robot illustration
Survival - robot illustration
In the cold - illustration
indifferent - illustration
Heiroglyphic tattoo design(reads sattler) - sketch
Strike a pose - illustration
curls - sketch
Space ship idea - sketch
Christina Aguilera, illustration for a friend.
New Work
Adam Miller
adammdesigns Seattle, WA