Introduction - This Project is cooperate with Hermes, and a group project for 3 students. Our topic is dance. We use different way to represent dance how to afford to window, finally we create a story for it.
Story #1 - Some time ago, there was a picture existed in loft for a long time.
Story #2 - Moreover, there were also some books there.
Story #3 - It is a history book about Hermes around 170 years (1837 to 2007).
Story #4 - "How does this world look like?" A girl wants to come out.
Story #5 - One day she ran out form the picture.
Story #6 - She discovered there was a window step by step to approach it.
Story #7 - A blast of wind blew the window curtain.
Story #8 - And it was blowing the book.
Story #9 - The paper was blowing up and changing into a Hermes silk and flying.
Story #10 - The paper was blowing up and changing into a Hermes silk and flying.
Story #11 End of story - Girl was happy that seeing the outside world and dancing with the silk.
Final Model - This is our final model
Side view - The picture was broken to show the concept of the girl had been come out.
Close up in floor - Since we want to make a mood of the loft., you can see that the floor of the window display was made by wood flooring so it make more realistic and you can easily to know the background of the story.
close up of curtain - At the left hand side, we had put a window curtain and it is floating.
Close up of the books - Also, the books are placed under the curtain and the pages floating in the air.
Close up of the papper - And it is changing to a Hermes silk.
Close up of Display unit - This may become the display unit. The shoes in the middle are to tell you the little girl had come out and dancing.
Detail of display unit - Here is the detail of the display unit.
Close up of detail - Three of the 10 mm screw install in a 5 mm wood finish.
Detail finishing - The wire is become the frame of the floating silk.
Detail with product_end - The Hermes products can be place on the floating silk.
Hermes Window Display
Ching Siu Ming
I am a Retail and Exhibition Design Student hong kong, Hong Kong