Home - This was the research phase for home. Home was a service designed during a 4 day design charrette focusing on the other 90%. The idea behind home is to provide emotional peace and stability for the homeless by facilitating sustained relationships. The basis of Home is to combat the inability for transients to stay in touch with friends and family.
Home - Home was a service designed during a 4 day design charrette focusing on the other 90%. The idea behind home is to provide emotional peace and stability for the homeless by facilitating sustained relationships. The basis of Home is to combat the inability for transients to stay in touch with friends and family.
Let's Play - This was the research for Let's Play. Let's Play was a service designed to help facilitate interactive play between the whole family.
Let's Play - Let's Play was a service designed to help facilitate interactive play between the whole family.
Super Hero Handbook - The Super Hero Handbook was designed in order to help IT personnel conduct user research. By providing them the education, they can create better solutions for the company.
Super Hero Handbook - The Super Hero Handbook was designed in order to help IT personnel conduct user research. By providing them the education, they can create better solutions for the company.
Dell Renew - This was the service part of my Dell Regeneration project. MeOH would address energy consumption while the recycle and rewards program would address waste. The intent was to create a full circle process.
Service Design
Alex Kim
Designer San Francisco, CA