Mersteel - Brand Identity - BRIEF: Mersteel, a large E.European supplier of raw steel products on a B2B level. Its main clients are from a heavy industries, where steel is a core production component (construction, automobile, shipyards). SOLUTION: To emphasize their core business, we utilized symbol of steel rail profile into the word steel itself. With a simple mirroring of the second E in word steel, we created a simple solution with a strong semantic value.
ThinkTank - The gusher of ideas! A Christoph Kolumbus of new business opportunities. To see, what nobody imagines and to believe what nobody dares to. Through multidiscipline approach of pattern recognition, spotting a new niche before anyone else does. Understanding the connection between diverse, and seemingly separate, disciplines. To know how to link apparently unconnected elements to create a new ones. The capturing of the excess and fusing them into a new form not yet seen before...into a new concept. "You see things; and you say, ‘Why?’ But We dream things that never were; and say, ‘Why not?’" (George Bernard Shaw) is the firm slogan!
Brand Identities