Purple Man - Ask no questions, you'd hear no lies. ----- No hagas preguntas, y no escucharas mentiras.
Beautiflow - It takes an athlete to dance, but an artist to be a dancer. ---- Se necesita ser un atleta para bailar, pero un artista para ser un bailarin.
Enie - Enie, Enhe, Enye, Egne Hecho para el dia del Hispano en Deviantart. Made for Hispanic Day in Deviantart. Palabras totales usando ñ: 2266 Total words with ñ: 2266
SHIFT + Dream - You see things and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, "Why not?" - Tu ves cosas, y dices, "Porque?". Pero yo sueno cosas que no han sido y digo, "Porque no?"
SHIFT + Dance - Pray as if it were your last prayer, work like you don't need money, love like you've never been hurt before, and dance like nobody's watching. --- Reza como si fuera tu ultima plegaria, trabaja como si no necesitaras dinero, ama como si jamas te hubieran lastimado, y baila como si nadie te viera.
Solitude - Without the bad, you can't experience the good. Without death, you can't enjoy life. Without solitude, you cannot experience true love. ------- Sin el mal, no puedes experimentar el bien. Sin muerte, no puedes disfrutar la vida. Sin soledad, no puedes experimentar el amor verdadero.
Paola - Sometimes we close our eyes to see beautiful things. - Some things are closer than they appear. En ocasiones cerramos los ojos para ver cosas hermosas. - Algunas cosas estan mas cerca de lo que aparentan.
I'm Dancing - God is a Dj, Life is a Dancefloor Love is the Rhythm, You are the Music. Dios es un DJ, la vida una pista de baile, el amor es el ritmo y tu eres la musica. Size: A3 Tamaño: A3 Illustrator CS4 Photoshop CS4 Print available: http://www.deviantart.com/print/4729837/
Emptiness HDR - The greatest regrets in our lives are the risks we did not take. If you think something will make you happy, go for it. Remember that we pass this way only once.
Pump it Up
Worth a Smile
Wings of a Butterfly
Raw Perfection
Fresh Ideas
Summer can Come