Photo-montage of the applied identity.
Museum Signage and Logo

Our assignment was to propose something for Catete Street, a street in Rio de Janeiro. We chose to create signage to give more prominence to two museums that are side by side on this street: the 'Museu do Folclore' (Folklore Museum) and the 'Museu da República' (Republic Museum).
For the 'Museu do Folclore' we designed a new logo and its application on the front windows.
For the 'Museu da República' we created a totem made of steel plates with cuts in a way that relates to the Brazilian flag. We also made external poster holders to inform passers-by about the museum events.

Development of Graphic Design Projects 2 / Esdi, 2007
professor: João de Souza Leite
team: Mariana Peres, Jorge Teodoro

Ana Mizuta
Visual Artist Rio de Janeiro, Brazil