Madhubani Painting - Madhubani painting on fabric using fabric paint & brush. The kurta has suryadev motif...dasavtar is made on the bag.
Ropework on khadi - Rope-work done on khadi. Single rope used and stitched to the cloth.
Shivori and running stitch - Shivori done, dyed red with dhavri flower and running stiches made.
Shivori on natural Indigo - This wrap-around came out as an exploration in tie and dye method. Indigo was used as the natural dye.
Constructed on handloom - My first use of handloom to construct this scarf. Every thread is dear to me. Woven shivori is done at the ends...
Pole-dyed skirt - Pole-dyed the fabric of skirt, soaked in harda and ferrous sulphate for grey.
Tie and dye - Treated with 'haldi', ends tied and dipped in natural indigo to give green.
Shivori on natural indigo - Shivori done. Indigo used as natural dye.
Shivori - Treated with haldi, shivori at waist, soaked in copper sulphate to give green.