Mapper stats and fellow mappers.
Map maker profile page depicting the users map maker stats, badges and other achievements.
Information about the mappers frequent mapping areas and Google pulse.
Basic wire frame for the Users profile page.
Google summer internship project

This project was done as part of my summer internship in Google India under the guidance of Mr. Eugene Jude, Senior Interaction Designer,Google , Bangalore.The project was basically redesigning the profile page of Google Map Maker. Map Maker is the tool used for editing Google Maps . But the profile page in the current version is very weak .Thus my goal was to redesign the whole profile page and thereby the user experience for the mappers who use map maker. The project includes changing the features as well as the visual look of the page. More information about the project cant be disclosed now due to security issues.

Ashok Thariyan
Student at IIT Guwahati guwahati, India