MSW - Who doesn't love Monty Python?
MRV-1: GPP Prototype - The movie made of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy was a bit of a disappointment to me. Marvin, in particular, didn't seem to match the awesomeness that is the voice of Alan Rickman. I wanted to try making him less cutesy, while still following the roundedness that pervaded everything on the Heart of Gold.
I can kill you with my brain.
Extra from "Love Me Tonight" - I watched it for a film course - the song still gets stuck in my head.
ME! - I like to sketch when I'm at conventions. This is composited from a number I did at ME! (meaning "we" in Finnish), a conference on immigration to Finland. The camera guy was cute.
Signs of boredom.
Evil Eye - My new hobby - arranging a scarf and trying to find something in it.
Foxy Loxy - My new hobby - arranging a scarf and trying to find something in it. I didn't notice this one was a fox until I looked at it the day after.
Comfort - This dates from sometime during high school, and I'd just started to get which side of my brain to use for drawing (not that I knew that concept yet).
Volare Menu Bits - I was actually working at Volare as a waitress, when I discovered that although they like their logo, they would still like their menus redone. I haven't used any of this on the final menu just yet, although I might add the bit about 'freshly made Italian cuisine' in a future version. While I'm sketching, I generally try to add too much, and then cut it down when I make a more polished version.
Coffee House poster - For a local church (the bird is from their logo). Fairly quick and sketchy, and based on the cover graphic from A Coffee House Manual by Don Wilkerson.
Hannele Kormano
Software Developer/Graphic Artist Thunder Bay, ON