"Little Gem Group 4 Painting 5"
"Little Gem Group2 Painting 1"
"Little Gem Group 1 Painting 4"
"Little Gem Group 3 Painting 1"
"Little Gem Group 3 Painting 3"
"Little Gem Group 4 Painting 3"
"Little Gem Group 4 Painting 7"
"Little Gem Group 2 Painting 6"
"Little Gem Group 2 Painting 3"
"Little Gem Group 2 Painting 5"
"Little Gem Group 5 Painting 3"
"Little Gem Group 2 Painting 4"
Little Gems

I call these "Little Gems" because they are only 4 1/2 x 6 inches. They are watercolor and acrylic non-objective designs. This is design with no object intended. It is the study of shapes, colors, lines and the empty space in between. There are many non-objective designs in nature. The designs on the sides of fish, butterflies and birds. If it takes intelligence for me to create these designs, how much more all the design in creation! We can get to know some of God's qualities by observing creation as it says in the Bible at Romans 1:20: "For his invisible equalities are clearly seen from the world's creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they are inexcusable." - NWT. Yes, there is no excuse for us not to believe that there is an Almighty God. If there is a loving God, why is he allowing suffering? You may download a free copy of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? at jw.org. Chapter 11 gives the answer.

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Brenda Qualls
painter, photographer Knoxville, TN