2010 - Swedish Match

A portal for small business owners selling snuff and other Swedish Match products to improve customer service and help them sell more products.

Based on input gathered from travelling with snuff sales people and the clients' business needs I made a concept and a presentation. Once the concept was signed off I also did Axure prototypes and conducted usability testing.

The user research indicated that the business owners were very interested in getting free promotional items from Swedish Match. We therefore gave out items when using certain features in the portal to incentivize users to come back and solve their issues with the online tools rather than calling customer service, thus freeing up time for them to be more proactive.

The first release was built as a minimum viable product and was first tested on a small number of users. Based on their input we made changes before launching the improved version to the full audience.

Björn Simonson
Interaction designer / Product manager Stockholm, Sweden