A paper prototype used to test an idea with modal boxes on mobile
Trying out different responsive designs
An early sketch with the three basic states of the startpage
2011 - Handelsbanken - Web TV

tv.handelsbanken.se - A responsive web site for video content built for one of Sweden's leading banks.

Based on the business case presented by the client I made a concept for a responsive website based on Wordpress. I then supported a junior interaction designer during detailed design and development.

The objective of the site was to help both customers and non-customers to better their understanding of economics and to provide comments on recent economical events. The client initially wanted to build an iPhone app but we were able to convince him that an app would make it hard for people to find the content as Google would not be able to find it. Our idea was to build a responsive site that would still look good in mobile devices but also give all the benefits of a traditional website.

The site has been successful, not least because the employees at Handelsbanken like it and use it to stay up to date with what the bank communicates and also promote it to their customers.

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Björn Simonson
Interaction designer / Product manager Stockholm, Sweden