Reverb Web Design - The owner of the company is also a musician (hence the name). This was one of several ideas I showed him. I did the concepting and design on this.
Meteor - The Meteor is a restored 1950's wooden rollercoaster. It needed a logo to go on the front of the cars and on the ride pavilion (it also showed up on t-shirts, ads and email blasts). Because the coaster was originally built in 1959, I wanted this to have a retro feel. The client loved it, and used it everywhere. This was one of five concepts I showed to the client. I did the production on this as well as the concepting.
Madison Fashion Week - Madison Fashion Week was a different take on the typical fashion event. It was focused on affordable styles that are available now, suited for a wide range of ages and body types. In keeping with that spirit, and Madison's counterculture history, I felt a propaganda-style design was a great fit. This was one of several designs shown to the client. I drew the artwork for this, and designed the entire logo. My hand was the affordable and readily available model.
TwitHare - TwitHare is a business application that tracks tweets and works with IM to allow businesses to discuss activity as it's happening. The client wanted a logo that fits the friendly, organic feel of Twitter. The carrot was a natural fit with the name, which led to the orange and green color scheme. I did the concepting, design and production.
Charlotte Easterling
Graphic designer/art director Madison, WI