Design to Empower | Crutches

Headed and Directed by James Camacho.

Designing for crutches, is truly a humbling experience. And I've got to observe and understand the disabled more.

Research has found out, using crutches, usually makes the users insecure and less confident with themselves. The design of underarm crutches still hasn't developed since the world war. And nowadays, people are buying and consuming things more than its primary function. Things should also have an emotional connection with people. This could be achieved through beauty, style, material, etc.

The goal of the Auxilium crutches, is to promote mobility and to empower the user. It also highlights its swivel mechanism. Making it the most compact and portable crutches.

Reference images, are not mines. : )

Cheska Ferrer Cortez
Industrial Designer | Futurist City of Manila, Philippines