Profile - This is an example of a child's profile. Parents, teachers and the child can update this with examples of their work, or praise, or general messages. This encourages constant communication between home and the school.
Subsection - This is a quiz to test the childs reading colour. The reading colour is based on the Research of Howard Gardner into multiple intelligence's. It is designed to focus on what the child is good at and the areas for improvement. A learning colour group is a motivational way of learning for the child. Rather than sets based on overall performance levels, which can demotivate the lower sets, these groups focus on what each child can do well.
Teachers Access - This is designed so all teachers have access to the site for constant feedback directly to the parents or child or other teachers.
Login Page
Learning Colour - A learning colour represents what area the child is best in. It focuses on their strengths for praise and aims to improve their weaknesses. It's idea is to replace hierarchy sets which demotivates the low level groups.
Learning Space
Sensa - Special Education Needs Support Application
Christine Roberts
Graphic Digital Designer London, United Kingdom