
In the context of a partnership between the College for Creatives Studies and American Chemical Company, we were challenged to design the next generation of innovative racing car utilizing plastics.

In an urban future where cars are destined to disappear for many reasons (practicity, pollution, places, traffic congestion) a part of the population will be living in their daily life without any car and without any driving experience... And this phenomenon already exists and is growing.
This future young urban generation won’t have the same vision of the urban mobility than ours.
Because they will be less aware of «car experience», it will be probably harder for them to understand how people are able to find passion and interest in race car...

So, the future of racing cars is perhaps to become a show more based on experience than perfermance. An Experience to make people discover what the «automotive object» is and what the « driving experience » is.

Christopher Giroux
Transportation & Industrial Design Student Paris, France