Logo Treatment Options - Shown here are 4 different marks for 4 different identities. I take pride in being able to offer multiple options to clients. (top row) Target One, a direct mail fulfillment house. (second row) Universal Broadband Networks, a new york city based telecommunications services provider. (third row) Global Broadband, an international telecommunications services provider. (bottom row) The Knight Group, a venture capital investment and strategies group specializing in technology start-ups.
Brand Marks - (top row) The Flames, semi-pro baseball team. The Pythons, semi-pro baseball team. (second row) Chicago Pizza Department, fresh & frozen pizza builder. Cornell Forge, steel manufacturer. Cheswick, locksmith group. (third row) Innovative Strategies & Management, consulting firm. KSI, wireless communications company. Wordsmith, educational writing program. (bottom row) School of Anthropology. Craig Niedermaier Design, design firm. Noel & Associates, attorneys at law.
Brand Marks - (top row) Harrow Squash, sporting goods company. Bancroft, racquet manufacturer. Center for Precision Radiation, imaging clinic. (second row) Next Step, non-profit for teen moms. Fall into Fitness, 5K run. Tiastar, product line for Siemens. (third row) Monarch Ball, gala charity ball. Literary Links, line of classic hardcovers. (bottom row) Mcbride, Baker & Coles, attorneys. GATX Capital, finance arm of GATX Rail. Access 2 Care, non-profit helping the needy receive medical care.
Innovative Strategies & Management Identity - Stationery, standards manual, extended electronic and print collateral for a full-service consulting firm.
Craig Niedermaier Design Identity - Stationery, standards manual, extended electronic and print collateral for my own work.
McBride, Baker & Coles Identity - Stationery, standards manual, extended electronic and print collateral for the oldest law firm in Chicago.
Target One Identity - Stationery, standards manual, extended electronic and print collateral for a direct mail fulfillment and mailing house.
Logos and Identities
Craig Niedermaier
Creative Director Chicago, IL