www.soulandinkcrew.com | Designed logo, branding, graphics, developed video, wrote all content and marketing strategy + website + brand social media.
www.soulandinkcrew.com | Designed logo, branding, graphics, developed video, wrote content and marketing strategy + website + brand social media.
www.soulandinkcrew.com | Designed logo, branding, graphics, developed video, wrote content and marketing strategy + website + brand social media.
designkrush.wix.com/ghhc | Designed and wrote content, marketing strategy + website + brand social media.
designkrush.wix.com/ghhc | Designed and wrote content, marketing strategy + website + brand social media.
designkrush.wix.com/ghhc | Designed and wrote content, marketing strategy + website + brand social media.
Web Design
Sherry San Miguel
Senior Graphic Designer Silver Spring, MD