Previous Death Poll Winners - Voted on by you, these are all pictures of celebrities that received the most votes and were then killed in story and art form. Full stories and Uncensored Paris Hilton image can be found at
Previous Death Poll Winners - Voted on by you, these are all pictures of celebrities that received the most votes and were then killed in story and art form. Full stories and Uncensored Paris Hilton image can be found at
Previous Death Poll Winners - Voted on by you, these are all pictures of celebrities that received the most votes and were then killed in story and art form. Full stories and Uncensored Paris Hilton image can be found at
Previous Death Poll Winners - Voted on by you, these are all pictures of celebrities that received the most votes and were then killed in story and art form. Full stories and Uncensored Paris Hilton image can be found at
Some examples.
Celebrity Death Poll
Dick Starr
Mr. Starr Louisville, KY